What is a Qualified Person?
Each application for a new PBR requires a QP to act as a technical consultant. The QP works with our examiners to ensure the evaluation of the new candidate variety is rigorous, which provides robust protection for the PBR owner.
A QP is accredited to work as an expert in a particular plant species or group of species. As a QP you can:
- Work as a consultant QP for PBR applicants
- Work as a non-consultant, overseeing growing trials for your own candidate varieties (or your employer's).
We'll publish the names of consultant and non-consultant QPs in the Plant Varieties Journal. We'll also publish the phone number of consultant QPs in the Qualified Persons Directory to help people get in touch with you.
As QP accreditation is directly assigned to you, it can't be transferred to other people within your company or institution.
How to become a QP
Here's a step-by-step guide to applying for QP accreditation.
Step 1. Gather your documents
You'll need to gather contact details for three referees.
Step 2. File your application
To lodge your application you'll need to:
- Sign up or login to online services
- Select the 'make a payment' button
- Upload your referee contact details and statement
- Pay the $240 accreditation fee
- Submit your form and payment.
Your referee contact details and statement must contain:
- Full contact details
- Current employment details
- Relevant qualifications and experience
- The species or group of species for accreditation
- The region where you'll provide services
- Whether you're applying to be a consultant or non-consultant QP.
If your application is successful, the QP accreditation fee will cover your accreditation for a period of three years.
Step 3. Complete the training
We'll be in touch to let you know the outcome of your application. If you're identified as a suitable candidate, we'll send you a link to our online Plant Breeder's Rights Qualified Person Training. You'll have 30 days to complete it and submit your certificate of completion to us.
Step 4. Receive your accreditation
Once you've successfully completed your training, we'll accredit you as a QP. It's your responsibility to manage and maintain your registration.
Step 5. Renew your accreditation
Once accredited, you'll need to renew it every three years by completing some quick paperwork and paying a fee. We'll be in touch when your renewal is due.