Submission and examination of three dimensional (3D) model files (Designs; Trade Marks and Patents) and four dimensional (4D) model files (Patents)

At a glance

Policy ID: 72

Status: Completed

Priority: No priority assigned

Design rights Patents Trade marks

Issue summary

Applicants submit image files (representations) for designs, shape trade marks and drawings for patents in 2D format. Examiners examine design, shape trade mark and patent applications based on the 2D image files submitted.

2D drawings or projections, and diagrams are not optimal for visualising 3D objects and/or how 3D objects containing moving parts function over time.

Under this proposal 3D objects would be deployed in stages, with initial optional filing for Designs, followed by potential consideration of incorporation into formal processes.


This was completed by amendment to the non-legislative instruments for filing patents and designs. Applicants can now file 3D representations. 4D submissions will be considered in the future.

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