Other legislation and policies

We take our responsibility for fair procurement and protecting vulnerable people who interact with us seriously. We observe several policies and frameworks to uphold this commitment. 

Our commitment to fair procurement 

We're bound by Commonwealth Procurement Rules when procuring goods or services. The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 created an independent complaint process that ensures we adhere to those rules and always follow fair procurement practices.

If you're aware of a violation of these rules within IP Australia, you can submit a complaint.

You can submit a written complaint by contacting us online. Your complaint should include:

  • your name, supplier business name, ABN, address, phone and email

  • details of the procurement including the service, estimated contract value, relevant times and dates, AusTender ID and UNSPSC code (if known)

  • a detailed statement of all relevant events and facts

  • a factual and concise outline of your complaint and the relevant rules that you believe have been breached

  • the resolution you're seeking

  • any other information, documents or evidence to support your complaint.

What happens next

Once your complaint has been received:

  • we'll contact you and let you know action is being taken

  • an authority will be appointed to undertake a formal investigation

  • all procurements will be suspended during the investigation, unless a public interest certificate is in place.

When the formal investigation has been completed, we'll notify you about the outcome.

Our commitment to the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework

IP Australia is committed to ensuring that it is a safe place not just for children and young people but for all vulnerable people as everyone has the right to feel safe and be protected from harm and abuse.

As a result, IP Australia has extended the operation of the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (CCSF) to include all vulnerable people, to ensure that all vulnerable people are protected if they are onsite or are otherwise interacting with IP Australia. IP Australia considers a ‘vulnerable person’ to be a person under the age of 18 or an individual aged 18 years and above who is, or who IP Australia reasonably determines, may be unable to take care of themselves, or is unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma or disability, or for any other reason.

IP Australia’s commitment to the protection of vulnerable people requires IP Australia to adhere to various legislation, policies and standards. All IP Australia employees and contractors are expected to treat vulnerable people with respect and act in accordance with the APS Code of Conduct and APS Values.

IP Australia is compliant with the four CCSF requirements and will continue to adopt and implement measures to ensure ongoing compliance and alignment with the CCSF.

At IP Australia, personnel may have direct or indirect contact with vulnerable people.

This interaction may include:

  • IP Australia contractors or employees who are vulnerable people
  • ad-hoc contact (i.e. vulnerable person onsite during school holidays, visiting the on-site cafe, attending staff events or using the carers room)
  • children attending the on-site child care centre
  • vulnerable persons contacting IP Australia’s reception desk or Contact Centre
  • mentoring opportunities
  • contact via IP Australia’s website or social media accounts
  • contact via recruitment activities
  • contracts with suppliers
  • work-experience students and/or school groups visiting IP Australia.

To ensure compliance with the CCSF and that all risks relating to vulnerable people have been identified, IP Australia has undertaken a risk assessment to identify risks relating to vulnerable people and to ensure that appropriate risk management strategies have been identified and implemented.

Risks identified primarily relate to three categories:

  1. accidental or neglectful actions adversely impacting a vulnerable person
  2. deliberate actions adversely impacting a vulnerable person
  3. poor governance.

Examples of the controls implemented to mitigate these risks at IP Australia include but is not limited to:

  • reference and police checks
  • requiring hiring managers to identify whether new recruits will interact with and/or manage vulnerable people to ensure WWVP clearances are obtained
  • publishing information about the CCSF and vulnerable people, including how to report instances of abuse or harm on IP Australia’s Intranet
  • publishing a Charter of Commitment to Vulnerable People
  • ensuring all IP Australia personnel have access to CCSF training
  • ensuring the CCSF requirements are considered as part of IP Australia’s procurement process
  • reporting compliance with the CCSF at IP Australia’s Security Governance Committee and Insiders Threat Forum meetings
  • IP Australia has developed a Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • the Vulnerable Persons Working Group meets regularly to discuss implementation of the CCSF, risk and compliance
  • developing a Protection of Vulnerable Persons Procedure and Policy which outlines the practical application of the CCSF across IP Australia to ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable people is always considered.

IP Australia is committed to regularly reviewing its risk assessment to ensure that risks are appropriately identified and managed. IP Australia’s overarching risk rating is warm.

Our stance on modern slavery

We believe there's no place for modern slavery in the community or in the global supply chains of Australian goods and services.

The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) established a national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement (Reporting Requirement) which has be enforced since 1 January 2019.

The reporting requirement helps us identify and address modern slavery risks and maintain responsible and transparent supply chains.

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom.

Modern slavery:

  • can occur in every industry and sector
  • has severe consequences for victims
  • distorts global markets and undercuts responsible business
  • can pose significant legal and reputational risks to entities.

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Policy Register

Explore our Policy Register to find IP policy issues that are relevant to you and provide feedback.

Accountability and reporting

We're committed to ensuring accountability and transparency in the way we operate and in our procurement activities. We report details on our annual budget, corporate planning and procurement.  

Our customer promise

As part of our commitment to creating a world-leading IP system, customers are the core of everything we do. Our customer service charter outlines our customer commitment.