Patents initiatives

We're continuously looking for ways to improve your experience with the Australian patents system. Here’s what we’ve done so far and what we’re doing next.

Patent co-design project

As part of our commitment to building the intellectual property system of the future, we’ve recently completed a research study into the feasibility of a patent co-design process.

Why we started

Our goal was to understand how a more collaborative patenting process might work to produce high quality and timely patents and make the process easier and cheaper for our customers.

Who we spoke to

We invited 40 IP and business leaders from industry and the IP profession, and key IP Australia staff members to participate in stakeholder interviews.

A series of workshops were held to unpack tensions in the patent system, to identify common problems, and to work through possible solutions on how we could work together to improve the end-to-end patent application process.

What we found out

What we're doing next

The project has generated a range of customer insights that we will be acting upon. The findings from the project will be fed into our continuous improvement and innovation initiatives.

Hearing directly from stakeholders about their experience of the IP system particularly was insightful and showed us unique customer perspectives that may not be captured through our traditional consultation routes. We look forward to continuing to engage with our customers through existing consultation channels and outreach activities.

Contact us

We're always interested in ways to improve the IP system. You can find out more about our public consultations including submitting a policy issue to Public consultations. 

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